even the man who second is the nomination of rhard nixon, mark hat field has said, the peace talk should not become the skirt for timid men to hide behind. made promises for quote an honorable peace unquote. voters should not be forced to go to the polls with their fingers crossed. [ laughing ] >>> why are more and more millions of americans voting for wallace? >> as president i shall within the law turn back the absolute control of the public school systems to the people of the respective states. >> why are more and more millions turning to governor wall as? take a walk in your street or park tonight. as president i shall help make it possible for you and your families to walk the streets of our cities in safety. >> more and more millions are returning to governor wallace. watch your hard-earned tax dollars sail away it anti-american countries. >> as president i will help the give away of your american dollars and products to those nations that aid our enemyes. >> wallace has the courage to stand up for america. give him your support. >>> governor george c. wallace. >> today we are invo