rhiannon was never risk assessed.re not allowed or offered any transportation to be taken to kate via an ambulance so we had to make our own way to her, just being told that she had gone to birmingham and we had no more information. en route to birmingham, rhiannon collapsed and we had to call an ambulance and rhiannon and my sister, who had accompanied us on that journey, went in the ambulance to the royal worcester hospital. i carried on to birmingham, having only discovered where kate was by using the database on my satnav in the car to call around birmingham hospitals and frantically say, have you got my daughter? she was born only hours ago. eventually, the senior consultant called me back and said, yes, we have received kate, please can you get here as quickly as you can? i arrived at four o'clock at the hospital, where at three minutes past, her cables were removed and she was placed in my arms, where six hours after being born, she died. the gravity of the situation was so great that they could not keep her al