games begin. of usa the front page today, 13 states are raising their minimum wage this week. it includes new york, new jersey, connecticut and rhode island. in fact, starting january first, 21 states and union will have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal requirement of $7.25 per hour. >> is a $10 minimum wage at? we're not there yet are we? this will be the issue for democrats in 2014 and it is going to be difficult for the republicans to turn around and tell americans, sorry, we're not going to raise the minimum wage. we have a story out today on the terminal saying that 221, this country that no longer offers everyone an equal chance to get ahead. >> this inequality idea and the idea of where we sit emotionally as we go into an election year. >> there are stop growth, but it is usually in low-wage industry. our third front-page story come home prices are back in record territory. a couple of u.s. cities parking concerned that prices could again be overvalued heard prices back to overtime highs in 10 of the nation's biggest metropolitan areas including oklahoma city, denver, san jose, nashville, dallas. nationally come price