nobody had know where i can find a rhona or mary?ied, like... like, a year ago. yeah? that looks kinof funny, you know? rush: funny how? i ner seen a guy take all his clothes off for a girl and leave 'em in the corner all tidy like that. right. thanks, delores. take care of yourself. she's right. the scene's off. there are a lot of props: the crack vials, the magazines. it's all wrong. mitch bayes didn't hang out here. we got to redeem this guy. henry walsh-- his name's on one of these porn rags that was found in the van. he's not in your file. do you know who he is? great, sherman. got to run. a simple yes or no don't work for sherman. i take it he didn't auto-track walsh. probably too busy with all the crack going on. you guys again? you were right, tina. about what? your dad didn't go with a hooker that night. how do you know? we think someone drove him to that alley after they killed him. that cop told us... that cop was wrong. i knew it. i knew my dad was too good for that. you were close, huh? yeah. we're looking for the truth