understand how the other lives talks and a data is saying goes the other way around to buy pool noisy, rhonda barbara cautiously reaches out to the bug jelly who have little contact to other social groups. there's a great divide between the cultures of the industrialized world and the indigenous peoples of the rain forest w mozy wrote you album if they want us all to live here, gather hook that i did on somebody. and they must also accept how we live. you know, it was, if you look gama mom of g in 2 years, the village should be ready for people to move in. will the conflicts be resolved by then? the children have already made the place their own. and ultimately, that's who the project visionaries have in mind. the bi ganley's knowledge about living in harmony with nature is being lost. work, a village is an attempt to preserve this knowledge for the benefit of people everywhere. i came to africa with the amby dwell, you know, with the masculine knowledge how to construct sustainable infrastructure. i keep extra like the walk of your lodge. you're seeing locker resources then to look on my peers with,