together with fellow director rhonda shah who'd she has staged the final series as an extended road movie with some striking visual sequences our hero on a psychedelic trip. during its learned $89.00 breakneck trip through german history the wait is over. the wait is over and my colleague michael kroger is here now and speaking of the wait being over for someone who wants to watch george 9 maybe hasn't seen 83 and 86 can you watch the new series without having seen the last 2 of course each season can be watched without the other and because the basic story is nearly always the same you have this guy who really wants to have a quiet life and he constantly is untangle in great historical events in the eighty's this starts in the 1st serious with 83 we can have a look at it much in the gulf there was a simple socha believing in the coming of the system of east germany and the against his will he smuggled into the west as a spy and preventing in the end nuclear well just by accident we see him here in the. completely overwhelmed. and then afterwards in 86. he is used for deals in angola to.