that's under rhonda simmons. we have bargain this year it starts about march and ends in may to be approved by the board of supervisors. this is a breakdown of unions and the largest is over just 4,000 in the miscellaneous group and if you add nurses it's about 6,000 staff. they looked at the work we're doing and this gives the idea of the work. we always look at the lowest form of conduct so counselling and last thing you want to do is terminate or do a suspension but we do use that as a tool as well. we needed a whistleblower complaint to work on lean. that work is now going to be done by karen hill because she had done it at zuckerberg and will do it for the rest of the department. they worked with the office and worked with maggie rakowski. we also have done a lot of work in hiring to create more path ways. we looked at black nurses conference to recruit diversity and make sure once we recruit them we have a program for mentoring and support to have a retention rate. and here's an example of the gross period