riad mansura, the palestinian envoy to the un, made some very good points of how it said that um israel doesn't deny killing, using his words, israel doesn't deny killing members of the same family, in one instance 45 members, it has done that through." about the years, right now we're looking at 3500 palestinians, almost all civilians, women and children to have been killed as a result, and he said that we can't allow this to happen, if the un can't uh do anything about this, where uh can countries resort to that are concerned to use the diplomatic route to prevent israel from continuing with this massacre? thank you very much for having me on the show, correctly said the united nations, especially the security council, but apart from the security council, the united nations as a whole has failed to assist the liberation of palestinians and more so failed to prevent the illegitimate zinas regime from imposing their military aggression and their sadistic genocide upon palestinian people for the last 75 years, the illegitimate regime has failed to head any international laws even when it