the ribblehead viaduct. it's just staggering, isn't it? oh, it's just amazing.t how big it is by comparing it to the vans next to it. exactly. 104 foot, 2a arches... ..quarter of a mile long. during the 1980s, british rail threatened to close the settle to carlisle line, mainly because the viaduct was crumbling and the cost to repair it was high for a line with dwindling passenger numbers. a six—year—long campaign to save the railway eventually caused parliament to intervene and banned it from closure. nice one. thanks. nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too. see you. take care. it's notjust the beauty of the line and how splendid all this scenery is. that would have been completely lost, and the community, as well, would have suffered because, obviously, they depend on the line, not just to travel places, but for businesses as well. and now it's the local community that volunteer oh, for me, it's amazing that this line isjust still running today, and there's ten stations that all look the same. they're all what they call midland or derby gothic red. so, they'r