scuba diver ricardo gutierrez makes his living cleaning the bottom of expensive pleasure boats in metarie, louisiana. >> if there is oil out on the water, the pleasure craft are not being used, it affects my business. i'm afraid it will stop our economy, particularly here on the gulf coast. >> reporter: gene hemard is a marine repairman whose livelihood is dependent on recreational boating, which, along with fishing and tourist industries, has taken a hit. even more fearful of what could happen to the oil industry >> it would be like if you have a plane crash, you can't shut down the whole industry just because one plane crashes. >> reporter: hermand thinks that b.p. alone should be held responsible. >> it would put so many people out of work. you know, the economics of it would just kill us. >> reporter: meanwhile, though, the oil spill has already cost louisiana billions of dollars of lost income. many fishing operations have stopped, tourism is down, the seafood industry is in trouble, and the state's main industries- - a large source of america's energy-- are facing an uncertain futur