newsho weekend's ivette feliciano spoke with ricardo martinez, c.e.o.equality texas, about what the change means for members of those >> you know, p, this is a very damning message that is folks with disabilities.riand t, as a marginalized community, i think we get this and this is a continued utdegradation of very pros, marginalized community that is really suffering at the moment. right. and to do this during a pandemic when people need access to mental health services and social workers i think it sends the wrong message, and it adds some additional barriers and challenges that we really don't needis time to get folks the medical care that they need. unanimously to remove thesed discrimination protections based on a recommendation by texas governor greg abbott. how does this decision fit into the larger picture of the figh for l.g.b.t.q. rights in texas? >> many texans are not aware that l.g.b.t.q. people can legally be fired or refused housing or denied services simply because of who they a. here in texas. and that is unkind. that is