you got ricardo salinas price, which is who is now heavy into big. and ricardo salinas go in mexico. they go by their dad's last name for us to go. he says mom's last name because that is silliness, price. everyone should just change the name to pick on x. bitcoin, their wealth, ricardo, but point of bitcoin everywhere rights. and of course we told safety net most about bitcoin in 2011. he was a gold guy, austrian economics. we knew he would get it eventually niigata quite soon after that. we also talked to sean ono lennon in 2011 about bitcoin. and when he came to visit us in paris and we have an interview with him tomorrow, an hour and a half long interview on orange hell pod cast. so make sure you go check that out because he was orange held long ago before ray dally. oh, before paul tudor jones, before stan talked in miller. so again, this is something that we've pointed out many times that because it is unique in that so many because report goes so over $100.00 countries and has dubbed into spanish. we have people all over the world who was were