>> ricci. >> one of my favorite things to eat. this is ture, my host.us? >> octopus and also cuttlefish. >> oh, yeah. >> and i want to try and find some small abalone, we call the bucce, and small clams. i think they will be really full. >> i'm thinking really? are these prime fishing waters? i don't know about this. with all this boat traffic and all these people so close to the action, i can't see much of anything living down there. >> okay. we anchor here. >> but i am famous for my optimism, so i dutifully suited up for what was advertised as a three-hour cruise. ♪ so i get in the water, and i'm paddling around. and splash! suddenly, there's a dead sea creature sinking slowly to the seabed in front of me. are they kidding me? i'm thinking can this be happening? splash. there's another one. splash, another rigor mortis half-frozen freakin' octopus, but it goes on. one dead cuttlefish, octopus, frozen sea urchin after another, splash, splash, splash. each specimen drops among the rocks or along the sea floor, to be heroically discovered by ture moments