laughter] >> guest: bert press secretary just baked people to let them max of tightness or charity or a riccio to use also it lou would run her own shop there is nobody to tell her what she might to how the public perceived her so what made them so wonderful was also that that would have so much difficult perception of who they were. >> host: will now show the clip of lou with the children. >> tell me the names of these mountains. sometimes you call it ragged mountain? what about that side? and where is my camp? over there. that is very nice. >> what is the hoover school? >> it was established by the hoovers after they had encountered some local families that lived in the area they realize these children had never attended public schools so they went about with their own fund to build the school then worked with the state of virginia to hire a teacher in the interview did teacher they contacted the college in the kentucky it appellation at that does a pitchout to prepare people for working with a community such as this one. the hoovers funded it ever took the state to make sure the teacher was