we know that it was richard armitage who was the deputy secretary of state, correct? >> and with that much internal chatter about the op-ed valerie planes named found its way to journalists, including judith miller in matthew cooper cooper published an article in time saying government officials had revealed to him valerie is name miller didn't publish anything the justice department subpoena them both to testify about who their sources were they want to know who your sources were. >> it was clear that that's what they were interested >> and you wouldn't tell them. >> i would tell them >> and judith miller was in jail? >> yes, she was found in contempt as she did go to jail >> it is a sad time when >> to journalists faced the prospect i'm going to prison for keeping those confidences. >> cooper narrowly avoided jail time when his source, karl rove, granted cooper permission to reveal his identity. if it's heralds grand jury. >> and you heard valerie planes name from i heard from a couple of people created from karl rove in shorter form from scooter, libby, vice presid