richard barth. [applause] >> richard barth pays regular visits to the kipp schools.there are now more than 160 spread over 20 states. >> so it's just me against you? >> here he's taking on 8th graders during a math lesson. >> i did not major in math, ok? the biggest question i have right now, mr. lee, is do i get credit for putting my name? do i get, like, partial credit? may the best person win. >> pupils first work on the problems individually, then discuss them in groups. but richard barth has to figure them out on his own. he grew up in a middle-class family and later studied at harvard. but math was never his favorite subject. >> i haven't done math like this in a long time. i've got the addition and subtraction down. but this is -- i should have stopped at question one. >> early on, barth realized that, in the us, children from low-income families have little chance of pursuing higher education. but these 8th graders have beaten him. >> before i came to this school, my old school was really bad. my mom didn't really like that i went to that school. so she found