dulles, for odd reasons, was not actually in the country when the invasion occurred, but richard bissell made a number of attempts to get john kennedy to approve air power. there was an immense amount of firepower just offshore including an aircraft carrier with a-4 fighter jets. so bissell kept saying let us have these to give a little bit of air cover to the brigade. the brigade is there pinned down, begging for help. and if you read the intercept coming in from the beaches, they're just heart remember. ing. please, help us. please come. we're dying here. rescue us. just send in one plane, send in some planes, please. well, kennedy never did, but the cia pushed for it. some people, some people think bissell didn't push quite hard enough, but certainly dulles wanted that. so i think that, certainly, you and this woman could be friends. [laughter] here please. >> i just saw the series on television, "the kennedys," and one of the segments they covered in detail was the invasion. two parts. my first part is how accurate, if you saw that series -- >> [inaudible] >> oh, okay. sorry. one of