thank you. >> chairman whitehouse, ranking member graham and members of the committee, i'm richard boscovich, assistant general counsel. thank you for the opportunity to discuss microsoft's approach to fighting and detecting botnets. we also thank you for your leadership in focusing attention to this complicated and important topic. botnets are groups of computers remotely controlled by hackers without knowledge or consent of the owners, enabling criminals to steal information and identity, disrupt networks and distribute software and spam. i'll describe how microsoft fights botnets, disrupting the tools and carefully designs these operations to protect consumers. to understand the devastating impact of botnets, we can look at how they affect one victim. consider in use power. a chef in the united kingdom found a warning she could not access the files unless she paid a ransom within 72 hours. when she failed to meet the deadline, all of her photos, financial accounting information and other data were permanently deleted. all this was caused by a botnet. she later told the reporter, if someon