in that light, we'll be presenting the first hamilton legacy award to richard brookhiser for his two decades of work to educate the public about alexander hamilton. the revival of interest in alexander hamilton in the 21st century can be traced to mr. brookhiser's work. i'll give you four examples. number one, after reading about and studying and writing a book on george washington, mr. brookhiser saw there is someone -- a right-hand aid and man in his life, and wrote a tremendous book in 1999. the book is only 220 pages long. that deserves an award. if you can tell alexander hamilton's life and all the dimensions of it in 220 pages, it is magnificent. the other thing we really appreciate about mr. brookhiser, it really gets the true hamilton. and going to the primary sources, it has been really helpful to the cause of looking for people to learn about the accurate characterization of alexander hamilton where many of us didn't hear about him until a couple of years ago because of the mischaracterization. we thank him for that book. really was quite the accomplishment. number two, mr.