this appointment and i'm very proud to introduce my friend, terrific public servant in ohio, richard cordray. >> thank you senator brown. mr. cordray i look forward to hearing your testimony. will the nominee please rise and raise your right hand? do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god? do you agree to testify before any duly constituted committee of the senate? >> yes, i i do. >> please be seated. please be assured that your written statement will be part of the record. please also note that the members of this committee may submit written questions to you for the record and you should respond to this question promptly in order for the committee to advance your nomination. mr. cordray, if you would like, please introduce your family and friends who are in attendance before beginning your statement. >> thank you mr. chairman. i will take you up on that suggestion. i'm glad to have with me today, if you like i don't need to introduce them at this point as they been commented on, my wife page and