>> question: this is richard drury, i was going to ask for a continuance on item ten. >> when we get to item ten, you'll have that opportunity. >> operator: you have one question remaining. >> question: i'm bradley angel and i'm the director in green action for health and environmental access. i'm on behalf of all of the members in bayview hunter's point, the commission district and other neighbors around the city and we put our writin -- i. we want to raise a concern that the notice for this hearing, contrary to what was in the announcement, the public wasn't properly notified and the many residents of san francisco were either limiting the speakers and once again denied access despite our repeated request to comply with the city's language access ordinance and that applies to not just this agenda. so i would again ask that we're all very busy, all very concerned trying to stay safe and healthy and it's an insult to the people of san francisco to proceed with this hearing at all today. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> so i guess we'll close public comment. >> very