of euro pacific capital incorporated hey there peter thanks for joining me now as i mentioned richard duncan calls this federal debt debt spiral is a factor is an exaggeration well i don't think he's exaggerating you know for years i think i was more bearish dinner richard duncan maybe he's trying to get out bearish me at this point but you know we are definitely headed for a real economic crisis in the united states what happened in two thousand and eight was just the opening activity there main event is still coming in the debt is every you know every much a part of it you know how it's going to be unwound it's going to be a currency crisis for the dollar collapses because we print all this money because we don't want to default and we can't pay or will be some kind of combination of inflation and default but either way the chickens are going to come home the u.s. is going to be held accountable for trillions of dollars that we've borrowed and spent and we are simply unable to pay it back and we've created an economy a phony a con the that is completely dependent on the ability to keep bor