after brian finishes the interview, he goes to their fornte correspond richard engel. engle is on the ground in libya and these guys are running faster than jackie joyner-kersee to get away from qaddafi. the president said he's on his heels. but the story on the ground is the rebels are on the run whofment do you believe about these stories? >> i don't generally believe the government. that's a lot of wishful thinking. i don't know if it's outright lying but it's wishful thinking and deception. it is true, our government, the previous administrations did it as well and it's been going on for many, many years. you go all the way back to vietnam. lies were told to get us involved in these wars. so it is -- american people should be much more reluctant. congress members ought to be more reluctant to accept this at face value, that, you know, it's the end of the world if we don't go in. saddam hussein had nuclear weapons and al qaeda was in there and all of this fearmongering. he was about to attack us. and they were all -- it was not true. so we should be much more cautious abo