richard engle, my friend, great to see you, as to bill karins tracking that curve for us and those numbers across the country and, of course, the weekend weather, bill. >> yeah. i have a new map for you. i'm going to start tracking testing. we need to know who has the virus, right? so let's take a look first at the national number. we're done about 2.12 million tests nationwide with a population in our country around 330 million. we've tested .7% of our total population so far. and some of those people were tested more than once, so it may be a little skewed, a little high. new york, louisiana, almost getting up to 2% of testing in their total populations. then massachusetts, vermont and washington. all of the gray states that you see on this map have tested less than .5% of their population and the lowest in the country, texas, .3%, oklahoma .3%. kansas .3% of their populations. that is it. that's how many tests have been reported by their health departments. so we'll continue to track this. these numbers will grow, obviously,