. >> alisyn: not -- >> i linked to the video last week, hang on every word by the genius richard epsteined people to give them money, and, you are taking a risk, giving some guy in his garage money. you want the higher rate of return and you have a lower rate of return if the government is going to take more, so in order to attract investors, toed ideas like this, it reduces the risk if you are not paying as much in taxes and you will have more products, like the iphone and so on and so forth. and, another point he makes, a little bit later in the video, is what i think people need to start focusing on, it isn't rich versus poor, as was pointed out a million times, these are not static categories, we're all poor at some point in our lives, students and graduate students and at some point you have your high earning years and he attacked -- richard epstein attacks the estate tax and, parents are investing in their children and human capital and i trust them more than government and that this is division, is the government making decisions by picking your pocket or, are individuals making t