. >> i want to thank my guests, richard epstein, and july brines.ack in a moment with a final thought on work, men and women. stay with us. it's "inside story." and send us your thoughts on twitter, or follow me and get in touch. or visit our facebook page and tell us what you think it will take for women to make as much or even more than men. i would love to hear it. ♪ are related to increased gender provisions in pay. one of the parts of the act, actually addresses this phenomenon, which is very difficult to target if you are just working with policy that compares jobs that are equal in definition. the other -- >> i'm sorry, i have to go to a ♪ >>> it wasn't all that long ago that supervisors of all kinds would justify paying men more money for the same work by noting that they had responsibilities that women didn't as primary bread winners. wages for women's work were often seen as supplemental, as fun money, or meant to save for a specific item. the women have come into the workplace that makes those old assumptions outmoded and discriminatory.