epstein little late. well, that one, alec baldwin, richard nixon, throughout our history. we've. so we've seen how, when you are targeted, when you don't serve a purpose anymore, there after you, let me say one thing about these democrats, they are so good. they are vicious. and the biggest thing is that with the republicans in particular, that they never thought the people would be this route was. they never thought for a moment. like from biggest mistake was he never went after hillary clinton, who by the way, it was just surfaced this week, the 2016 she and her campaign basically did the same thing involving uh, this uh, a steel memo where she and her, her basically her, um, a committee or what have you, basically paid for this particular lie and called at a business expense, or rather a legal expenses versus something else. so this is goes on all the time. be careful, joe biden. as he said, jack read you remember, you wanted this, you one last year. 2 people can play it. this saving goes for your evolves bon under. but why don't i got? i got a question. you gave me a long lis