the panelest engage the vice president dreg including richard feldman.wners association and tina wilson-cohen and dr. cedric alexander, the police chief from dekalb county, georgia. and colin goddard, a survivor of the virginia tech shooting who was shot four finals in this. >> this was a great panel. >> it was. certainly everybody had a lot to offer. >> two of the four members were pretty direct with the vice president where they disagreed with him. >> good conversation. here is part two of our exclusive round table discussion. so i want to broaden it a little bit to bring in our other guests because, obviously, good argument can be made that background checks would have done nothing to stop what happened at sandy hook. a ban on assault weapons, is that something, as a lot of our guests on the show from capitol hill have said, something that you'd like to work toward at some point? >> yes. well, look. i think certain represents of war just don't belong on the street. but, look. let's talk about sandy hook for a minute. i love the argument they say, well