the famous physicist richard feynman once said if you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don't understand quantum mechanics but even if we never really understand quantum mechanics at the deepest level we can use it and work with it to create things that function in the real world. the advent of quantum computing has raised concerns about data privacy. say the widely used data encryption method which is used in online banking for instance could be easily hacked by quantum computers. the principle behind it involves factoring a very large number into just 2 large prime numbers it's a mathematical problem that today's computers still can't master with a special ability of a quantum computer to test many possibilities simple tenuously would make it solvable. still despite potential applications it's likely. the quantum advantage will remain limited to a small number of fields it won't change the way we use computers in everyday life so don't expect to see quantum smartphones on quantum laptops in the foreseeable future. whether it's quantum technology at all as official inte