louis, thomas honig, the president of the fed in kansas city, and richard fisher, the president of the fed in dallas, texas. and they are all in general agreement that we have got to start breaking up these large financial institutions. mr. president, senator dorgan made this point, and i want to make it again, and that is that during the bailout, the fed decided that it was going to lend out trillions of dollars in zero or almost zero interest loans. and when chairman bernanke came before the budget committee on which i serve, i asked him what i thought was a pretty simple and straightforward question, and that is, mr. chairman, can you tell me and the american people who received these loans? i mean, we're talking about trillions of dollars in loans. i don't think it's too much to ask who received the loans, what the terms were of those loans. well, mr. bernanke disagreed, and i offered an amendment that day that begins to bring transparency to the fed, and that amendment is called the federal reserve sunshine act, and i am happy to say, mr. president, that it has 32 cosponsors. inte