richard gere will come.ous is a trial where richard gere comes from hollywood to testify and how bad i am? >> now, this court case represents two intriguing questions: should celebrities be involved in foreign legal matters? and, man, what's richard gere been up to? >> richard gere belongs in that courtroom. not just because he might have been witness to migrant kidnap, but because he played a lawyer in "primal fear" and "chicago." he is qualified to practice law and to be doing it while tap dancing. >> no way, no way. every minute richard gere is overseas dealing with this case is another minute of him not making movies. i've been waiting 20 years for the sequel to "the runaway bride." the world deserves to know if she ran away again. >> people do not want to see a "runaway bride sequel." they want to see a "pretty woman" sequel. >> no, first "runaway bride," then "pretty woman." >> silence! you know where this gavel goes. we'll compromise, people. i sentence richard gere to make a movie that's a sequel to