. >> gil rozman, formerly of princeton. >> richard, when you brought up what china should think about what russia's doing, i think you underestimated what china is doing about that and one thing is strengthening military ties with russia so what can russia sell china? what is the possibilities, this is the main theme here of a strengthened chinese military through new connections with the russian military and how should the u.s. respond to that? >> i think what we'll do is just work down the row and answer your questions and any concluding thoughts. folks may have. i'll begin with one thought on u.s. military spending. i don't want to peg things to a certain percentage looking out indefinitely to the future. even if sequestration occurs, i'm hopeful that the dynamics of the presidential race will change the calculus of the united states, so it wouldn't last more than two years, i would hope. i think there is a case for modest, real increases in the u.s. defense budget and here's a very, i hope, stark way to put it. that i hope is compelling. a paying