we asked richard gill. of the most interesting things about markets is that they can produce the unexpected. they can stimulate innovations. the introduction of minimills in the steel industry was such an unexpected innovation. the supply and demand curves for our steel industry in the 1970s looked like this. because of foreign competition, demand was low. we have illustrated this by placing our demand curve far to the left. the price of steel was here, the quantity produced, here. why didn't the domestic steel industry simply lower its prices? as we know from the levittown story, the quantity of a product demanded usually increases at lower prices. the answer is, they couldn't expand because of costs. usually, as you expand production, your costs go up. this is why we have drawn the supply curve for steel sloping upward towards the northeast. it isn't generally possible for businesses to supply more of a product unless they can get a higher price or they lower costs. this is where the minimills came in. th