adam, who is richard glossip and how did he get here? adam: right.ossop was the manager of a motel that was owned by barry van treese, the murder victim in this case. he was convicted of a murder for hire plot that justin snead carried out. he said he was paid $10,000 by glossip to murder van treese. since then, it's been more than 25 years of glossip on death row with, as you documente nine different execution dates and three last meals actually for glossip. he had his original conviction overturned by the court of criminal appeals here here in oklahoma. and then in 2004 was convicted again by a different jury. since 2014, glossip has had several execution dates that have come and gone, two different times his case has actually reached the supreme court. john: it is the 2004 retrial that's the subject of all this. and as recently as january, the attorney general filed a brief with the supreme court opposing glossip. but now he's switched. what happened? is there concern about the key witness who testified in that 2004 case? adam: that's right. after