simpson, and recently learned that richard goldman came to galileo. i am an architect by training; i have worked in many city projects. when i work with city departments we always weigh different options; we look at how to spend money. when things do not make sense to do not proceed with the project. when they made sense you try to make them as efficient as possible. as a previous speaker said, the central subway, when their word the largest contract on tuesday of this week for 840 million dollars, the project will be essentially over budget by a large about. the muni's internal memo says that they'll have 60 family dollars contingency left. our numbers indicate worse shape than that. we know the big infrastructure projects will go over budget. the federal transit station estimates that the overage could be 480 million plus. we have needs for muni. there are very simple things in life that can all do in our departments and agencies. we weigh those options. what is a greater good? the greater good of the 700,000 riders? 700,000 riders? the nun hundred