richard in south carolina, julius caesar would be the guy because he changed the world. and eric haas writes from alberta, canada, he would like to have dinner with president obama because eric is pretty sure the president would pick up the tab. (laughter) >> i'm picking that up, eric, not him. back to tips of the day, thank you for writing. very interesting reading. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website different from also we'd like to you spout out about the factor, from anywhere in the world and even kazakhstan. and anytime, anytime. word of the dskurrilous, not squirrelous. i i'm bill o'reilly. remember, the spin stops here, remember, we're looking out for you. >> and welcome to hahn, the president and his newly formed gun task force continue to plug away taking away your guns and vice-president biden with his task force, they met with gun rights groups at the white house and aiming to have a list of recommendations on president obama's desk by tuesday. but before his meeting with the n.r.a. this afternoon, biden gave us a glimse into wha