and richard haass, they want him alive.e trying to get at him and at this point they don't even know where -- they haven't heard from him for hours. so who knows. but give us the big picture on this story. >> as gripped as we are in the conversation we just had about trayvon martin in this story, france is gripped by mohammed merah, a french citizen of algerian defense. this is scary for the social fabric of france and potentially scary for the social fabric here. france is a country now of a growing number of muslim citizens of algerian and other descent. and this injects into everyone's mind the idea, oh, that person is arab one way or another, algerian, what have you, might he do something like this? this is the kind of thing that is corrosive to put it bluntly for any society. it's what's happening in france. this is a guy who was radicalized apparently by the internet. he made some trips over to the middle east, to pakistan, what have you. he comes back. and apparently, he does this mayhem killing jewish kids and killi