hatch act. and that can get you in verytro. serious trouble. yeah, we're used to . richard painter, good to seeo you. thank you so much. than k. >> tuc >> so it's going to be years ovfore we really understand what's happened in this countryi over the past six , six years. if we ever really understand it, if it's ever fully exposed. bubut we'rt e getting a lot more information than we had, say, last week from the twittern files and in particular about the russia collusion hoax. how that take place. matt taibbi, the journalist who has been on that story fortt six years, has accesser fil the twitter files and will tell us what he's finding after the break. atfounplus, eric swalwell bouncf the intel committee. he says it's unfair, but there's a reason we happen to know what it is and we'll tell you just ahead. i don't own a single stock or bond. >> i know i'm mr. armstrong. i know i'm called middle class joe lunchpail, joe middle class joe , the truth of these lifestyle is the opposite . the biden family amassed a fortune, as in comedy, with corruption. >> timing is everything. there's multitudes of evidence of criminal be