you think of a silicon valley start-up ceo, you usually think of someone like the fictional richard hendrics, the ceo of pied piper in the hbo show "silicon valley." brilliant but entirely inexperienced in leadership. an engineer who found himself an administrator for the very first time. this morning, the opposite scenario. robert, ceo of start-up message bird, the fellow in the beard, has never not been a ceo. he founded a string of start-ups and took leadership roles in each of them, meaning the leader of message bird's employees has never himself been an employee. i thought it was so interesting, robert might want to expound on that. robert, the ceo of message bird, a company that splits its employees between silicon valley and amsterdam. i have your resume, ceo of message bird, ceo of zeipay, and then you ran a television show, and before that, you ran a car wash. do i have that right? >> that's about correct. >> tell me about the car wash. >> um, it was a very simple business. i was about 12 or 13. so it was a long time ago. and i, you know, used the soap and car wash stuff from my mom