by richard jacobs, who is a great composer. >> why did you get to know russ roberts?i was working at spika tv. it does not endorse our work, but i have a lot of great support from my colleagues. it is a great group of people, and as the combination of the election cycle in 2007 until 2008 and the financial crisis sparked my interest in the idea of economics. i was very inspired by the ron paul campaign and the way he was talking about -- how many people talk about monetary policy in a political setting gunman and -- political setting? the fact that you have a lone voice talking about the role of money in the economy followed by this crash, and we had an bernanke appearing for the first time in nine years, and that struck me as there is a story that is not being told, and as a creative person, i think i have the tools to sell it in a different way. >> you say econ talk is the way you got to know he was assisting. what is the? >> that is my weekly podcast. the woman who cuts my hair. now the guy who sells cars. it is economic conversations of the day. i do it at my offi