richard kramer is managing director of i retain research. what does this mean for yahoo!? have you on the program. first of all, were you surprised that "daily mail" are interested? richard: not at all. francine: because yahoo! assets, we see it as the dog of the internet companies, but they are compelling in some sort. richard: the core business has been losing money for some time and the equity story is about whether they have to pay capital gains on their alibaba shares. they've been getting their profits from alibaba and yahoo! japan while they try to grow a new business in yahoo!. surprising that everybody will look at one of the few global brands in internet that has this very low valuation, very much like aol, a collection of assets that could be turned around. you throw the daily mail name on the list along with dozens of other folks who will take the opportunity. francine: daily mail twomey was surprising because they haven't been that inquisitive to my knowledge, but also they are a media company. richard: yahoo! has been trying to turn itself into a media proper