richard kurylo, legacy program manager. sf g k0d v tv, i have a presentation. today, i am presenting the draft legacy business program annual report for 2017-18. this will be a very quick high-level overview. we're seeking feedback on content, grammar, design, etcetera. the draft report can be found on the office of small business's website at under april 23rd supporting documents. the final report will be distributed to the board of supervisors by june 1st. the executive summary is a three-page overview of the entire annual report. it covers accomplishments, the registry, business assistance services, legacy grants, marketing and branding, the budget, and upcoming activities. the background section is a one-page background of the legacy business program. this section is the same as last year. there are two pages on major accomplishments. the order of the accomplishments mirrors the order of the sections in the annual report. there are two pictures of the 100th legacy business, casa sanchez at the september 11th sbc meeting. the legac