joining uso talkbout those headlines is j jim vininegar and richard leavitt startling newsws this week. the decision by comcast a time warnrner cable notot to head to the alaltar. jim: i it unraveled qukly in the lastst cple ofays.s. it was the megamerger of the year. a lot of moneyeing spent on it. certainly a lot of lobbyining as well. i n't think thateans comcast won't word d -- wo't merge wi someone, i don't think that means timesn't up for se. it will get active again sn. bruce: presumably their decision to rideath - -- their decision to withdraw their merger applplications was a sign that either it was going to be a tougugh slog or at the end of the ocess it was likely to be reject. jim: you're looking at two important agencies that have risdiction. the federal cocommunicationsns commission and jusustice department. th is a pretty big leap for everybody and they bothad some al concerns about this merger. bruce: puts focus o on 2016, , a lot ofof talk going forward. itit is going to be abt the democratic front-runner. she is so far ahead of the pk it feels like she is already the