joining me now is richard reeves. president of the american institute for boys and men and author of of boys and men why modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about it. richard, nice to see you again. i cited some data. is there one data point, top of your mind, that you think kind of sums up the issue that we're here to discuss. >> yeah, for me, it's the fact that men in their 30s and 40s now who don't have a college degree, half of them don't have children in their home. and so this move towards having men in homes that don't have children in them, and particularly for working class men, it's like a very, very big change. and for me, rachel's essay and the data you've cited, it speaks to a change, an important change, which is the fact that these milestones aren't just being reached later. but for many people, they're not being reached at all. that we've gone from later, which in some ways can be a good thing to never, which is very rarely a good thing. right? taking a bit more time to get educat