conversation with charles mann tonight we have another great interdisciplinary thinker and writer, richard rodriguez. richard is the author of an autobiographical trilogy that examines respectively fast ethnicity and race in america. richard's books are always close at hand. i keep them right above my desk. we have missed in your. the last two years we were very lucky to coax him down from san francisco where he is hard at work finishing a book on the ecology of the influence of the desert with experience of god for the jew, the christian and the muslim. i'm so pleased and honored to present these two writers in conversation with each other. please join me in welcoming charles mann and richard rodriguez to los angeles public library. thank you. [applause] >> first of all of me just say how pleased i am to be here interviewing charles. i feel a little bit like a child interviewing a giant. so if i seem a little starstruck, forgive me. i was reading your book over several days, my partner, jim, and i tend to do a lot of reading on the weekend. but in separate rooms. and if i'm making a lot of noise ma