. >> universal christ by richard rohr is outstanding. franciscan priest. joan chistier. now is the time she talks about being a spiritual prophet opened to all of us. i told you talking to strangers, matthew cladwell. and malcolm cladwell. excellentp. and this other one that's new, the color of compromise. he talks about how racism and slavery influenced the church. we talked about before closing the last segment, immigration and we talked about climate change. you want to say a word about either? >> well, we were mentioning with immigration comes this whole terrible practice of family separation. how can that be morally, spiritually justified in anyway, any shape? any form. regardless of party, regardless of background taking babies from their parents, come on. that's -- that should unite folks from the across the religious spectrum. >> sure. >> anything one of those things here looking at folks they are going back 20, 30 years to find out they had a misdemeanor or some other charges, and using that as a basis to separate their kids where they have lived a clean life, a