. ♪ glory glory ♪ hallelujah ♪ since i lay my prayers down >> evangelist, richard rugnao, has been singingitution. after kicking a heroin addiction that almost killed him, religion helped him turn his life around, something he feels his parishioners can appreciate. ♪ when i say hallelujah ♪ hallelujah >> they can relate to that. and i come back in to tell them that there is a way that they can come out of that also. ♪ >> for those inmates who are sincere about reprogramming their lives, richard gives them a song of prayer and a little bit of hope. >> where there are rules and regulations, and rightfully so because they're incarcerated, just the fact they're able to yell as loud as they want to or clap their hands and stomp their feet for that brief hour and a half, two hours, however long we're here, they're able to get some kind of release. >> come on, give me praise. give our wonderful lord and savior praise in his house today. >> at san quentin, getting any kind of release is a luxury for both officers and inmates, alike. this is a tense, stressful environment. aggravated by the antiqua