you like to destroy things, there's really only one guy on the internet that you can turn to, richard ryan from the rated rr channel. he's got a brand new nvidia shield. i wonder where he got that from. >> today i have the nvidia shield. >> no way! >> i'm going to set up a dirt drop test and asphalt dropped test. >> here's what richard's known for, the gun test. most things don't survive a shot. especially when he's using a mossberg 464. >> i think this is the worst. >> it's still on! >> i think i might have to end this dude. >> okay, that shattered more. >> he's known as the tech assassin and he's joining us right this minute from los angeles. richard, what is so fascinating about seeing brand new technology, in many cases, get blown to bits? >> i feel like the last couple of years it was for shock and awe but i've come up to more creative ways to do it. i think it's a personal challenge to find something more and more challenging for the audience to appreciate. >> i really didn't think about beforehand that i was going to be shooting it with the monitor. it just so happened that my camer