natasha in her piece which aired last month is titled king richard and it's the 2005 case involving richard scrushy and joining us to discuss the case and the strategy when it came to attempting to possibly manipulate the media to the advantage of his client is defense attorney jim parkman jim welcome sir welcome back you so much for having me on this is great it's about it's my pleasure give give the folks the elevator version of of the case that you defended for mr. yes mr crow she was the founder and c.e.o. . of a national corporate sure known as health south corporation which was a rehabilitation inpatient outpatient service and it was known in all the 50 states that they had it all there but he got indicted. own the 1st sarbanes oxley charges well it's $36.00 counts of fraud involving a 3600000 dollars 1000000000 dollar for all with the corporation and then we went to trial and so it was the 1st and last. names oxley case that they are they didn't charge any others after that. right and i think he was acquitted but then charged with something else and eventually went to jail he's out of jail t