. >> safer: today, broad balances his life with his passion for contemporary art, like this richard serra> broad: civilizations are not remembered by their business people, their bankers or lawyers; they're remembered by the arts. >> safer: he's collected over 2,000 works of art. unlike most collectors, almost all of broad's art is available for loan to museums. he loaned these pieces to the l.a. county museum of art, and threw in a $50 million building to house them. one of his favorite artist is the irrepressible jeff koons, and here, a veritable cornucopia of koonsian genius-- all, of course, painted and sculpted by hired craftsmen. koons is nothing if not worshipful of eli broad. >> jeff koons: you know, morley and eli, i just have to say, standing here, what a fantastic location. i mean, look at the natural light that is coming in on these works. it's a tremendous gallery. >> safer: and the balloon dog, what does it do to you? do you get some kind of emotional kick? >> broad: i do. it makes me smile, it makes me feel good, it make me proud, and it especially makes me proud when i see